Roderick Jennings
University of Greenwich
London, UK
World Scientific Research Journal (WSRJ)
ISSN: 2472-3703
Roderick Jennings
University of Greenwich
London, UK
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2017
A Study on a Project Management and
Evaluation System of Green Buildings Based on Life Cycle
Keyi Wang
Logistics University of PAP, Tianjin
300309, China
Design and Implementation of Automatic Monitoring
System for Continuous Nitration
Shuai Ma, Liyan Zhang, Xiaoxia Chen, Kai Shu
School of electrical and information,
Dalian Jiao tong university, Liaoning Dalian 116028, China
Engine Optimization Based on GT-POWER
Ziwei Peng, Qin Zhang, Xingchuan He, Jian Liu, Xin Zhou and
Zhen Zhang
Department of Mechanical Automation, Chongqing
University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing, China
The Application of Molecular Materials
in Heavy Metal Detection
Yedan Gu, Qiong Jiang, Bing Lv, Cheng Zhu
College of Life Sciences, China Jiliang
University, Hangzhou, China
Aesthetic Creation and Application of
Plant Patterns in Guzheng Decorative Design
Huiping Shen
Department of Art and Design, Yangzhou
University, Yangzhou 225000, China
On The Pacifism Principle of the
Constitution of Japan
Zhiyang Bai
Renmin University of China Law School,
Beijing 100089, China
Evolution Trend of Urban Creative
Industry Zone in China: Analysis from the Perspective of Embeddedness
Fei Wang, Zhen Ye
School of international business,
Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College, Zhangzhou 363105, China
Research on the Training Mode of
Excellent Talents of Business English Based on KSAO Model
Chen Zhen, Xiaoli Wang and Dongyan Li
College of Humanities and Social
Sciences, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University, Daqing, Heilongjiang
163319, China
Research on the Status Quo and
Countermeasures of College Students' Network Literacy
Binbin Li
China West Normal University, Nanchong,
Sichuan, 637002, China
Single-Photon Transport along a
One-Dimensional Waveguide Interacting with a Quadratic Optomechanical Cavity
Yuqing Zhang, Zhonghua Zhu and Yanying
School of Physics and Electronic
Science, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan, P. R. China
Effect of Volume Fraction of Carbonyl
Iron Powder on Rheological Properties in Magnetorheological Fluids
Jie Wei, Shandong Dong, Huimin Sun and Nannan Liu
College of Mechanical and Electronic
Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590,
Study on the Calculation Method of
Secondary Lining Internal Force in Curved Arch Tunnel
Shuancheng Gu1, Rongbin Huang1, Peili
Su1, Xiao Ding1, 2
1School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Xi'an
University of Science and Technology, Xi’an 710054, China
2School of Civil and Architecture Engineering, Xi`an
Technological University, Xi’an 710021, China
Analysis of the Role of Career Planning
in College Students' Career Guidance
Northwest Agriculture and Forestry
University, Shaanxi Yangling 712000, China
Finite Element Analysis of Treatment of
Soft Subgrade Disease in Highway
Huiqiang Gao, Peiling Ning
College of Civil Engineer, Guangdong
Communication Polytechnic, Guangzhou 510650, China
The Topology Power Control Algorithm of
Ad Hoc Network
Yuehao Wang
School of Information Science and
Engineering, Qufu Normal University, Rizhao 276800, China
Research on Influencing Factors of the
Rn Concentration Measured Result in Uranium Exploration
Li Yang, Liyang Zeng, Gang Zhang, Huan Liu, Jiawei Liao
Chengdu Univerisity of Technology,
Sichuan Chengdu 610059, China
Research on the Relationship between
Achievement Motivation, Policy Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Intention
Zhihua Lian, Zhenhui Zhan, Xiaojie Qiu
Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College,
Zhangzhou 363105, China
The Impact of Entrepreneurial
Environment on Entrepreneurial Intention of Chinese University Students: Entrepreneurial
Self-efficacy as a mediator
Lu Gao, Xin Pan, Yi Wang and YiRan Gai
Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College,
Zhangzhou 363105, China
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