Roderick Jennings
University of Greenwich
London, UK
World Scientific Research Journal (WSRJ)
ISSN: 2472-3703
Roderick Jennings
University of Greenwich
London, UK
Archives of World Scientific Research Journal (WSRJ) treasures excellent Articles authored by researcher from all over the world, to appreciate our fast fair and constructive peer review provided by renowned experts from various fields of engineering and technology. Handling large number of manuscript with fairness, integrity & timeliness is our strength.
The Essence and Path of the
Contemporary Chinese Cultural Renaissance |
1-6 |
Jianlong Tian DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0001 |
and Strictly Governing the Party is Inseparable from Practicing the Mass Line |
7-11 |
Qin Xu DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0002 |
The Endogenous
Trade Network, External Trade Network and Exporters’ Border Expansion |
12-16 |
Ruizhi Huang DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0003 |
Study on
Acquisition of English Functional Category T Based on Syntax-morphology
Interface |
17-26 |
Liaoyan Fu DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0004 |
Advances in
Research on Rehabilitation of Plants on Petroleum Pollution Soil |
27-32 |
Wendan Liu DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0005 |
BiLSTM Chinese
Text Sentiment Analysis Based on Pre-attention |
33-42 |
Wen Yue, Changming Zhu and Yusen Gao DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0006 |
Study on Passive
Soil Arching Effect in Front of Cantilever Pile Based on FLAC3D |
43-50 |
Dongsheng Ma, Long Cheng DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0007 |
Research on
Molding Temperature Process Parameters of Composite Parts |
51-65 |
Xishuang Jing, Jiuzhi An, Chengyang Zhang and Siyu
Chen DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0008 |
Improve the
Attention Mechanism to Realize the Clarity of Fuzzy License Plate Images |
66-76 |
Xuan Lv, Biao Wang and Jiayun Zou DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0009 |
Research on
Unloading Mechanism of Red Sandstone Based on Ansys |
77-85 |
Haixiao Lin, Xu Zhang, Tao Wang, Long Cheng DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0010 |
A Research on
GTFP of BRI Countries with DEA Method |
86-90 |
Xiangshen Liu DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0011 |
of Myrcene by Dipyrromethene (DPM)-ligated Scandium Monoalkyl Complex |
91-96 |
Chao Yu DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0012 |
97-101 |
Yanan Liu DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0013 |
Research Status
and Technical Application of High-temperature Industrial Heat Pump |
102-117 |
Xuegang Lu, Xinrong Zhang DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0014 |
Detection and
Analysis of Network Intrusion Data Set Based on KNN Algorithm |
118-123 |
Xiaojie Ma, Xiaorong Cheng DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0015 |
Study on the
Deformation Law and Support of Mining Roadway Under the Influence of Mining |
124-134 |
Guijie Zhou DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0016 |
An improved
Perspective-n-Point Algorithm for Bundle Adjustment |
135-144 |
Yujie Chen, Guoliang Zhang, Junxue Li, Lihong Deng DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0017 |
Localization and Classification of Photovoltaic EL Based on Deep Learning |
145-152 |
Chengjiu Mei, Changming Zhu, Ji Xiang DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0018 |
Influence of
Different Joint Angles on Elastic P-wave Velocity Attenuation |
153-158 |
Jinxiu Guo, Jinyu Wang, Long Cheng DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0019 |
Prognostic Biomarker of LUAD Based on Immune-related Lncrna |
159-166 |
Qiuyang Chen, Wei Kong, Shuaiqun Wang DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0020 |
167-174 |
Shengling Qian DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0021 |
Discussion on the Testing Method of the Air-tightness of the Building |
175-185 |
Ying Wang, Jing Liu, Tao Yuan, Haozhen Hui, Zheng
Du, Zeqi Li, Xiaojing You and Huai Li DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0022 |
The Impact of
Financial Performance on Stock Return in China’s High-Tech Industry |
186-195 |
Jun Pang DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0023 |
Research on
Target Detection Algorithm Based on Lightweight Mobilinet in Assistant
Driving System |
196-203 |
Xianglin Yan, Zhijiang Bai DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0024 |
Research on An
Antigen Variation Prediction Model Based on the IPA-VGG Model |
204-213 |
Rongting Li, Xiaozhou Chen, Rui Hu, Quanfeng Xu,
Peng Duan DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0025 |
214-225 |
Yan Zhong, Bingbin Yang, Qiao Feng DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0026 |
Construction and
Development of Open Online Courses under the Background of the COVID-19 |
226-229 |
Shiqian Gu, Ling Jiang, Maoxing Pan, Yupei Zhang,
Xiaofeng Zhu and Qinhe Yang DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0027 |
High-confidence Model Update Method for Kernel Correlation Filter Trackers |
230-240 |
Lin Zhang, Zeng Xin, Zhongqiang Luo, Xingzhong
Xiong DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0028 |
The Factors
Influencing Tobacco Smoking Behavior Among the Chinese Floating Population |
241-247 |
Yanyan Zhu DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0029 |
-- Based on the
Perspective of Fault-tolerant Supervision |
248-256 |
Xibei Zhong DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0030 |
The Study on the
Impact of New Trade Protectionism on China’s Exports |
257-262 |
Chengjian Tang DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0031 |
Research on the
Strategy of Rural Vitalization and Rural Landscape Planning and Design |
263-270 |
Yonggang Ren, Jiaxing Wang DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0032 |
271-277 |
Zhimin Wang, Xuexia Pan, Zunchang Li, Lipan Wang,
Chunyan Wang DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0033 |
278-283 |
Qianqian Huang, Bingyi Xue DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0034 |
The Performance
of National Characteristics in Vocal Music Singing |
284-288 |
Xiaolan Xie DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0035 |
289-293 |
Yanan Liu DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0036 |
Study on the
Responsibility Consciousness and Internal Drive of Youth in the New Age |
294-298 |
Bingyi Xue, Qianqian Huang DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0037 |
Charging Route
Planning for Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks |
299-306 |
Hongsheng Xu DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0038 |
Research on the
Health Status of Higher Education System Based on Computer Simulation
Decision |
307-312 |
Yifan Liu, Yueyu Zhao, Yiru Hao, Junke Chen and
Qigang Zhu DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0039 |
Basic Problems
of Russian Marxism in the 21st Century |
313-315 |
Shi Zhan DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0040 |
316-321 |
Yue Zhu DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0041 |
322-324 |
Runhao Zhao, Di Liu DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0042 |
Mechanical Fault
Diagnosis Method of High Voltage Vacuum Circuit Breaker Based on Vibration
Signal |
325-333 |
Guohai Wang, Nan Luo and Yanxi Liu DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0043 |
Effects of
Transgenic Soybeans on Reproductive Function in Female Mice |
334-345 |
Mingzhu Huang, Juan Cai, Chunmeng Li, Dongyu Yang,
Jiange Qiu, Chunbin Lu and Biao Liu DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0044 |
Strategies and
Suggestions for the Optimization of Pension Space from the Perspective of
Security |
346-351 |
Siyu Zhang, Na Zou, Minkai Ma, Huanyu Sun DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0045 |
Design of A
Smart Home Equipment Based on STM 32 |
352-355 |
Ying Lin, Yuhao Wang, Jian Zhang and Xingbo Gong DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0046 |
Application of
Computer Software Technology in Art and Technology Creation |
356-363 |
Boyu Tang, Chunxiao Ge DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0047 |
Study on the US
Presidential Election Based on Neural Network |
364-379 |
Chongzheng Huang, Wenxuan Liu, Lina Hu, Jiaying
Zhang DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0048 |
Review on Heavy
Metal Cadmium Remediation in Soil |
380-385 |
Xinxing Ding, Lin Wang DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0049 |
386-392 |
Rui Wang, Song Hu, Xiaotong Jiang, Meng Wu, Pan
Wang, Longhui Li DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0050 |
393-401 |
Juan Shao DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0051 |
Investigations of Mechanical, and Electronic Properties of Fege |
402-407 |
Cong Chen, Yinye Yang DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0052 |
Effects of
Drought Stress and Rehydration on Growth Indexes of Different Varieties of
Mint Seedlings |
408-418 |
Yufei Wang, Yue Feng, Jingjing Liu, Yaqi Ge, Xing
Hu, Zihao Wang, Xiuping Kang DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0053 |
The Influence of
Factor Marketization on the Development of Green Economy |
419-437 |
Nan Yu, Xinyi Chen, Huilin Jiang DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0054 |
Development: Rational Choice of Physical Education Teaching |
438-442 |
Sulin Yi DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0055 |
443-452 |
Xinpei Tian DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0056 |
Research on the
Ways to Improve the Responsibility Consciousness of College Students in the
New Era |
453-455 |
Xiao Zhang DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0057 |
Soil Stability Assessment Based on ArcGIS -- Taking Daming
Palace National Heritage Park as an Example |
456-462 |
Wendan Liu DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0058 |
Influence of
Depth and Structure of Convolutional Neural Network on Loop Closure Detection |
463-472 |
Dongcan Zhang, Guoliang Zhang, Junxue Li, Yujie
Chen DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0059 |
Design of
Temperature-controlled Fan System Based on Single Chip Microcomputer |
473-479 |
Yali He, Jing He, Caiyun Xu, Nannan Zhang, Kuang Wu DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0060 |
Research on
Traffic Flow Distribution of Two Urban Road Network Models Based on Aimsun |
480-483 |
Hao Li DOI: 10.6911/WSRJ.202106_7(6).0061 |